Ministry Description-Clerk

Goal of Position:    Keep accurate records of the business of the church, including but not limited to:  baptisms, membership records, business and board meetings.  This provides information that evaluates how effective we are at establishing the Kingdom of God in San Bernardino and beyond.

Responsible To:     Pastors, Church Board    

Ministry Description:

1. Church membership. The clerk oversees church membership. The clerk handles the correspondence between the individuals seeking transfers and the churches with which the transfer is being made. The clerk also fills out a certificate and report forms when a person is baptized or makes a profession of faith.

2. Church records. All church records, minutes of business meetings and board meetings, the church officer list, and the list of church members are maintained by the church clerk. The official copy of the minutes should include complete copies of all reports, documents and financial statements. It is a public record which any church member or denominational representative can look at. 

3. List of committees. The clerk should make note of any committees that are appointed and give the chairman of the group a list of the members making up the committee, along with an outline of the work the committee is being asked to accomplish.

4. Church Contact Information. It is the responsibility of the clerk to keep church member contact information up to date in church records. Records can also include non-member spouses and unbaptized children from church-related households, as well as regular attendees not yet baptized.
Length of Commitment:    1 year 
Time Required:    7 hrs, monthly
Training Provided:    Conference training sessions.  Other materials available as needed.
Qualifications:      Possess the gifts of administration and organization, have good note-taking skills and pay close attention to detail.  Most be familiar with computers, as all church membership records are digital.

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