Community Services Director


The community service director serves as the interpretation of Christ through the action of service to establish the kingdom of God in San Bernardino.  The director is spiritually mature, has a humble spirit, and a godly character. Desires to compassionately serve those in the community through the provision of food, clothing, etc.

Responsible to

Description of duties

- Conduct needs assessment of the area every two or three years for the purpose of establishing the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Develop relationship with police, fire, mental health, and welfare authorities to establish kingdom of God influence in San Bernardino
- Mobilizing a response to specific concerns to establish the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Help the church identify social concerns to which it feels called to respond
- Organization of programs (literacy and employment assistance, health screening, aid to the poor, and inner city programs) to establish the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Recruit volunteers to establish the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Establish cooperation with organizations within the community to establish the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Communicate community service activities to the church
- Acquire goods from food bank and donations given to church

Time requirements
10 hours, weekly

1 year

Training and resources
Resources can be found at and

Qualifications, skills, and gifts
- Has a personal and vibrant relationship with Jesus
- Commits to allowing God to work within his/her life
- Great communication skills
- Ability to network
- Possesses strong organizational skills and is a “people” person
- Has a passion and vision for serving the community and church while establishing the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Possesses some of the following gifts: administration, discernment, encouragement, faith, helps, hospitality, knowledge, leadership, mercy, shepherding, teaching, and/or wisdom

Benefits to the Worker
Gain a better understanding of the issues plaguing the city of San Bernardino and find a personal satisfaction while serving in this leadership capacity; work with and form deep relationships with other godly and committed members in the church, and reach out to and develop relationships with citizens in the greater community the church serves.

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