One6 Health Ministry

Ministry Leaders:

Ministry on the move:

Community Garden:

Established in 2011, the one6 ministry created a Community Garden called "Back to Eden."

This 1000 square feet garden grows all year long and produces fruits and vegetables for the community!


Healthy Living Tips

December Tip:  Eat With Your Kids

"These days families are so busy that it’s easy to overlook one of the important events of the day—the family meal. Things get in the way, like job responsibilities, your kids’ involvement in extra-curricular activities, a blaring television or mobile phone text messages.

Family meal times should not simply be an event where food is prepared and consumed, but also a time for talk and interaction between family members. The benefits for your family include: obesity prevention, increased academic performance, and risky behavior prevention.

- From The Adventist Website To read the entire article click here: Healthy Living


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