Hospitality Team


The hospitality team should develop warm and supportive friendships with members and visitors to establish the kingdom of God in San Bernardino.  There should be a spirit of simplicity and service characterized by the type of hospitality found in scripture.

Responsible to

Description of duties
- Organize a system for visitor hospitality which will provide follow-up for their needs as appropriate
- Develop a deeper understanding of Christian hospitality for the purpose of establishing the kingdom of God in San Bernardino
- Establish the Kingdom of God in San Bernardino by taking care of visitors
- Promote relationship development by planning Sabbath potlucks
- Develop plans to integrate visitors into the fellowship of the church so the kingdom of God can be established in San Bernardino
- Promote and cooperate with efforts to encourage social fellowship among church members as a whole

Time requirements
6-8 hours, monthly

1 year

Training and resources
Resources can be found at and

Qualifications, skills, and gifts
- Has a personal and vibrant relationship with Jesus
- Commits to allowing God to work within his/her life
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to network
- Possesses strong organizational skills and is a “people” person
- Has a passion and vision for ministry of hospitality
- Possesses some of the following gifts: administration, discernment, encouragement, faith, helps, hospitality, knowledge, leadership, mercy, shepherding, teaching, and/or wisdom

Benefits to the Worker
Leadership Skills, spiritual development, and deeper relationship with members of the church and surrounding community. Learning to work within a team for the united mission of establishing the kingdom of God in San Bernardino.

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