What you need to make the Ministry Fair successful (Read Below)



  • RSVP to [Pastor M. Henry], [909-754-4347], by [5:00pm] on [SUNDAY], [MARCH 16, 2014].
  • VOLUNTEERS to staff your booth who can explain your ministry and tell people how being involved with your ministry has impacted their own life.

                      IDEA: Booth staff could dress in keeping with the theme, “Get in the Game!”

  • Volunteers to SET UP and TEAR DOWN your booth (set up is on [FRIDAY], [MARCH 21, 2014], any time from [12:00pm] to [6:00pm]. ****NOT DURING THE SABBATH HOURS***
  • DECORATIONS that tie in w/ the theme “Get in the Game!” that will attract people to visit your booth.
  • A POSTER or PHOTOS or VIDEOS describing your ministry
  • (photos of people in action are great).
  • A HANDOUT to be given people to explain your ministry (Some resources will be provided).
  • Schedule an ORIENTATION MEETING within two weeks after the Ministry Fair.
  • A volunteer to SEND THANK YOU LETTERS or E-MAILS to everyone who signed up for your ministry, reminding them of your orientation date.
  • Volunteers to CONTACT those who are unable to attend the orientation, to integrate them into your ministry.


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