January 2014



January 4th we learned about how to speak life to avoid the weapons of self-destruction.  Join us this Sabbath!


October 2013 we concluded our series "Dealing with Difficult People."

The series dealt with bullies, horrible bosses, difficult spouses, "frenemies", and yourself.
See below for a recap of the series, and see any member of the media team to obtain a DVD or CD of this series.

Recap from Dealing with Difficult People Series

We all have to deal with difficult people.  We married them, we gave birth to them, we hired them, they hired us, we go to church with them, they are at the family reunion, they are driving on the road.  They are everywhere.  When they start being difficult, you are going to want to be difficult back.  

There will be a temptation to come at them the same way they come at you.  They fuss, and cuss, and fight and scream. They give you the silent treatment. They make your life miserable.  You can't stand them, so the last thing you want to do is become them.  Don't start playing their games and start fussing and cussing and fighting and screaming and being stank with people, now you playing games.  

 God did not call us to play games but to game change.  Jesus says when people try to take something from you…be a game changer.  There is something on the inside of you that will want to take it back, or even better, take something from them, but Jesus says don’t let the devil change you. Don’t let your enemies change you.  You be the change agent. You change the game and instead of it being a taking game, now you change it to a giving game.  Your haters won't know what to do! 

Don't let anybody make you lose your religion, even when folk are acting crazy…in the words of Canton Jones….STAY SAVED!


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